Ron Kessler left his home in the Pangman area after graduating from high school in 1953. He received his degree in engineering at the U of S, moved onto Calgary to take up his professional career in the oil industry. There along with his long-time wife, Gail, they raised a beautiful family of three.


Although his house was in Calgary, Alberta, his heart was always in Pangman. He and his family made eastern treks annually to visit family and friends.


After nearly 70 years being away from “home”, Ron and Gail recognized the value in the efforts of the Pangman and Area Historical Society. They saw the development of the museum and the evolution of the ice cream shoppe as meaningful and worthy.


They understood that ongoing support for the Society is necessary and they were instrumental in the formation and first financial contribution to the newly formed Pangman & Area Historical Foundation. The long-term financial survival of the operation requires a base where everyone, present and former residents, can contribute.


In recognition of Ron and his family’s interest in local history and their contributions, the Society officially opened and named the 50s ice cream shoppe in his name, July 1st, 2022.

Ronny’s on Railway is not only going to be an asset to the community but a visual reminder of one of the Society’s most enthusiastic benefactors.