Historical Museum RM of Norton


Ronny's on Railway, ice cream treats

Milk shakes, sundaes, banana splits, famous Chapman's ice cream and refreshments.

The Pangman Museum and Ronny's on Railway, ice cream shop is administered and operated by a volunteer non profit corporation. The funds raised through the operation of Ronny's help defer the ongoing operation expenses of the museum and and our outreach programs. Community and visitor support have helped us build and maintain the small but interesting museum. 

Our Historical Society was formed in 2020 and since then we have created an attractive and energetic oasis in southern Saskatchewan. We continue to plan for the enjoyment of locals and aim our energies to the young people of our area. 

We are an all inclusive board with many "friends of the museum" that provide support and needed man power through out the year.  We are one of the few small museums that operate 12 months of the year and are available for off season tours.